Caroline and Eric


The two lovebirds met at one of the restaurants in Nairobi. “I was having lunch alone and so was Eric. He came and sat on my table and started talking to me. At first I was hesitant to give him “airtime”. However I liked his confidence and slowly started warming up to him. As we were winding up with the lunch, he asked for my number and that’s how we became friends.” Caroline recalls.
















DSC_7649Eric chose one afternoon to propose to Caroline. He invited her to his house, cooked for her and asked her to go swimming with him. “As I got ready to plunge into the water, he knelt down, took out the ring and whispered the words. I was over the moon and said yes!” Caroline says.











Caroline wore a tailor made gown, which was a gift form her parents. She got her shoes from Ragia Boutique in Hurlingham and the accessories were a gift from a close friend of hers. “My maid of honour Anne Abwao, who hap- pens to be my childhood friend, wore a brown dress with an orange band and animal print peep toe shoes. We had five maids, five groomsmen and three flower girls. The maids wore orange peplum dresses with a brown band, which were made by Enzie of Porter fashions, and animal print shoes. The grooms- men wore coffee brown slim fit suites from Italy with black shoes and orange slim ties. The flower girls wore white strapless dresses that had been imported from Bangkok,” The couple says. The couple’s parents were given the liberty to choose their fashion. The bride’s father wore a brown suite and her mother wore a cream dress. The Groom’s father wore a brownish suite and his mother wore an African green dress.




“My father works in Congo and my other siblings are in South Africa so we had to choose a date when they would be available..  December 22nd was ideal for all of them since they were coming home for Christmas. That’s how we settled on the date,” Caroline says.
















“We invited everybody because we did not want anyone to be left out. There was no need to RSVP because it was an open wedding,”The couple says









“I spent most of the day in the salon hence nothing crazy happened. I hosted the best maid, maids and the grooms to my parent’s house where I was spending the night and we talked a lot as we rehearsed for the next day. It was so much fun having them around. They helped calm my nerves,” Caroline recalls.



“We woke up feeling excited and looked forward to finally being husband and wife. We had a religious ceremony at the Shrine Church in Karen and opted for the normal standard vows. Throughout the day we kept an open mind and decided to enjoy the day no matter what came up. Everything was as expected apart from the décor guy who forgot to bring the red carpet to church as earlier instructed,” The couple says.



“ We spent our first night at the Jacaranda hotel then went to Maasai Mara for four days and then Taita hills for another four days. The journey there was enjoyable and relaxing. We filled our days with game drives and it was so interesting and fun watching the animals.. The food was fantastic and by the time we were done with the trip we had added weight! For us it was more of a holiday than a honeymoon since it was high season. We plan to go to Dubai for our honeymoon,” The couple adds.


“Looking back, we would have made the decor person re- hearse the decor because on the wedding day he    did not bring out what was agreed.We would have loved for the day to be longer because somehow it seemed shorter. What made our wedding special was the choice of the maids’ dresses, the mul- ticolored umbrellas that the maids carried. Also the grooms’ slim fit suits and the way the groomsmen entered at the recep- tion in style. They all wore shades. At the church we got a very energetic choir from a friend of ours; Eric Macakaige which made the church service very interesting and memorable!









Cake: Valentine’s cake house Tel: 0722794414 Video and photography: Ark studios-Westlands Tel: 0720276087
Décor: Delight Rental Services Tel:0722665596 Entertainment: Silver Strings Band Tel: 0722745881
Catering: Lake Dishes Tel: 0722105521
Maids dresses: Enzie Porter Tel: 0718500060