Kemunto and Moses


Though growing up in the same side of the city of Nairobi attending the same church and even having several friends in common, Kemunto and Moses had their very first interaction in December of 2007 at the parking lot of the International Airport of Houston.



“We had a great ride hope and instantly became great friends” says Kemunto.They officially began dating in 2010 and the enjoyed travelling to new destinations and had many friends in common.But did not really interact until they got to the U.S the first memorable meeting was in December 2007 at the international airport of Houston. Kemunto was in Houston for Christmas from England , his cousin Cliff was to pick her but he was nowhere to be seen.H e was on a romantic date with his girlfriend Eva, so Eva suggested his brother Moses to pick Kemunto and that was the first meeting at the airport parking lot.








A relative of Kemunto was supposed to go pick her up but since he was on a date and didn’t want to cut it short his date suggested that her brother Moses picks her up instead. They immediately hit off and became fast friends. Moses; at the time a med student was doing a rotation at the same hospital in which Kemunto, also a med student was interning so he took on the opportunity and managed to convince her to go on a dinner date with him. She did.

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Fast forward to 2013 after lots of dates, falling in love and shuttling back and forth to see each other amidst all their work relocations it was time to make it official. They took a trip to Sedona for a romantic getaway.




Theirs was an elegant affair with a spectacular colour theme, emotional moments, lots of laughs, music and lots of love. We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.





Moses had a table set up at the most romantic location with breathtaking views and at this point Kemunto saw it coming. They finished all six courses of their dinner but still, no proposal. But just as they were about to leave, Moses asked the Waitress to take one last photo of them and that’s when she turned around only to find him on one knee.


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Kemunto had ample time prepare ,feel and look the part.We call it picture perfect.














Photography : Photoshots Kenya

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Officially husband and wife.




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The couple chose to have a decorated bicycle at the reception to symbolize their humble beginning in life as married couple and also the journeys they had together as they traveled to different p;aces together.Also to show the progress they have made together since they meet .


Photography : Photoshots Kenya


The bridesmaids and groomsmen together with the couple toasted to a happy life and a wonderful day well celebrated.




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Photography By Photoshots Kenya

Venue Windsor Golf and Country Club