7 Tips to Keep the Flame Alive

1. Little Things that Mean the World


It’s the little things that count. Pull a chair every so often, complement each other, open the door, hold hands and skip into the sunset; just the simple things that make you smile subconsciously as they play back in your mind. No need to break the bank to plant a gentle kiss on your lover’s forehead.


2. Relieve a Burdenshutterstock_57623743

Take the kids to your mother’s house and have the house to yourselves for the weekend.  Prepare a continental dinner together, light some candles, create a sensual ambiance with some slow, romantic ballads, play some games and just engage in reconnecting. Cuddling and drowning into each other’s deepest thoughts is truly wholesome.


3. Out and Aboutshutterstock_54658081

Pack a little bag and go for a drive to wherever the road takes you. Make a stop in the middle of nowhere and have a picnic in the wild while enjoying nature’s harmonies. Go for a walk in the park, rent bicycles and cycle together, hike a mountain or visit the museum. Whatever it is, it’s already special because you have each other.


4. Your Own Special Dayshutterstock_46189018

Valentine’s should not be the only day you express your love for each other. Pick a date besides an anniversary and make that your own monthly special-day celebration. Surprise each other with gifts, get away for the night or dress up and eat out. Treat this day like a country treats a national holiday and even have a name for it.


5. Fulfill your Promise

The broken plumbing system you’ve been promising to work on for the last month, the movie night you’ve been talking about having, the trip you’ve been planning on taking: do it already! There are so many things in life we plan to do but never get around them. Take the time to make good on your promises. It certainly goes a long way.



6. Bring Sexy Back

Ditch the Safaricom promotion t-shirt, the hosiery you use to wrap your hair and the fluffy, warm winter socks you wear to bed. Buy some lingerie, a nice pair of high heels and an aphrodisiac scent; get into character and make an unforgettable night out of it. Treat him to a sensual massage, do a strip tease and perform that sexy dance and make it all about him.


7. Blast from the Past

All the special little things you did together when you met should not automatically go away now that you have been together for a while. Pursuing your partner doesn’t stop just because you got them. Continue to do all the things that earned you that special price; a person to cherish and it will only get better.

Finally, always remember to say I LOVE YOU.