Africa’s most desirable man on the Samantha’s bridal catwalk

The Samantha’s bridal congratulates the 2016 Mr. world Kenya, Kevin Oduor, for emerging the fourth in the Mr. World competition. Kevin, a former Mr. Catholic University, was contracted as one of the Samantha’s bridal fair models during the 2015 catwalk in his campus years. The Samantha’s bridal prides itself in nurturing talent and is honored to work with Mr. and Miss universities during it’s bi-annual fairs where sensational line-up of breath-taking fashion shows are showcased.  For this July’s expo, the Samantha’s bridal is happy to be working with beauty queens and kings from Kenyatta University, JKUAT, Technical University of Kenya, USIU, Daystar, Mount Kenya University as well as St. Paul University.

The Samantha’s bridal is humbled to be part of the success story and ecstatic to have given him a platform to bloom. So come out strongly and support your catwalk royalties if you are in one of these universities.


Help! am a bridesmaid and am broke

We all want to support those closest to us and to be there when they need us. What are friends for! To be by your friend throughout the highs and lows of the wedding planning process, to see her jitters on The Big Day, to see the sweet but nervous smiles throughout the ceremony, and to cry along with her as she exchanges vows with her soon-to-be husband is something every friend wants to do. And, if you’re a lady there’s a very high likelihood that you’ve had a friend ask you to be in her wedding.

But what do you do if you’re broke, in debt, have no money, and you get asked to be in a wedding? We get a lot of emails requesting for tips on how to handle the high cost of being a bridesmaid.

The emails usually go a little something like this:

When my best friend whom I have known since campus asked me to be her bridesmaid, I was super excited.  Not only because she’s a great friend, but also because I’ve never been a bridesmaid.  As the planning started though I realized that being a bridesmaid is going to be really expensive and I really don’t know if I can manage it.  I don’t want to ruin my friend’s plans, but how do I not go broke?  Help!


Those who have been bridesmaids before know that being a part of a wedding party can definitely get pricey.  With the bridesmaid dress, hair, make up, the bridal shower, the wedding gift, the traditional party visits, etc the total can accumulate to a tidy sum running into thousands of shillings. For many girls this can be quite a shocker especially if it is your first time of being a bridesmaid. But, reaching out for help is good and we won’t lead you astray. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak to Dr. Catherine Masitsa wedding expert and CEO of Samantha’s bridal from July 29th to July 31st at the Samantha’s bridal expo.