In most societies, when a woman is married, the expectation is that they change their last name as a sign that they have acquired a new status. But do you know where this entire tradition came from?
Historically, an individuals surname was not significant. Most people were only known by their first/Christian names in early medieval England. However, as the population grew, it became a tedious task to distinguish people and as a result the surnames were introduced. Issues of wives taking their husbands surnames did not surface until the 19th century when lawmakers in Britain started to look into the legalities surrounding families, personhood as well as marriage. Consequently, the doctrine of coverture emerged which made the woman one with her spouse therefore requiring her to change her last name to her husbands.

The concept of coverture literally connotes covered by, which meant that women had no independent legal identity apart from their spouse. This coverage began when the female child was young in that she had to take her fathers surname and could only change it once she was legally married. While the laws meant that the woman was covered, the worst part of it was that these laws hindered them from signing contracts, participating in or even exercising ownership over real estate or personal property. However, as times went by, and as more women right groups began to emerge, the woman have an option to retain their birth name after marriage.
All over the world, some time back, it was automatic that a married woman would later on change their name to their hubbys. Nevertheless, times are changing and with the rise of independent women i.e being able to acquire land without requiring their husbands consent or even loans from banks, more and more women are apparently refusing to take up their husbands last names. Here are some of the reasons that we found out after research, on why some women are not changing their names:
1. Procrastination:
Most women admit that the process of changing their name to their husbands is tedious and they have found themselves procrastinating the entire process. The process entails forms to be filled and returned to the registrar of persons before the names change officially.
2. Their husbands last name is terrible
Some women reject their husbands name because its either terrible or has a horrible meaning which they cant associate themselves with.
3.To maintain their identity
Marriage means that a woman loses her identity especially by changing their name. To prove that they are proud of who they are, some women decide to keep their last name.

4. It will affect their career
When a woman attains some level of influence or financial/career success before they get married, they tend to refuse the names of their husbands as it results in a lot of complications or its double work trying to change what they have worked for years.
5. Fear of divorce
With the rise in number of cheating cases, most women are sticking to keeping their last name.
6. Family tradition
Women who come from influential families tend to keep their maiden names as a way of keeping their family tradition and also their wealth. Some also keep because their mother also kept hence it continues throughout their generations.
7. Because their hubby is changing their names to hers
Sounds weird but thats the current trend now.
While it is true that every person loves compliment, women, in particular, are never disarmed when you give them one. So besides carrying your gift vouchers and presents, a nice word will keep them smiling all the way. From the research we conducted, we found out that brides love to be told all things nice ranging from their makeup, to their wedding gown to the tiniest details of what stood out on their big day. As a guest at a wedding, here are some of the nice things you can tell a bride:
1. This gown really looks good on you!
If youve ever assisted a bride look for a wedding gown, you can attest to the fact that it is one of the most challenging things to do. So when she finds it and looks perfect on her big day, genuinely compliment her by telling her she looks beautiful. You can never go wrong by telling her how spectacular her gown is.
2. You are beautiful
Especially when it comes to make up. From research, ever bride wants to know that her look made each of her guests shed a tear or two. From her gorgeous hair, to her breathtaking vision and her beautiful face the compliment will stick with her long after the wedding.
3. You two are perfect together.
One of the most relieving things you can tell a bride is to let her know that she made the right choice in as far as her husband is concerned. Compliment both her and the hubby and let them know how well they look like soul mates.
4. Im enjoying myself so much, thanks a lot for inviting me.
After alls been said and done, every couple wants to know that everything they went through to make this big event happen was worth it. And nothing makes them smile than to know that their guests enjoyed and loved everything in the wedding.
5. Your choice of dcor was stunning!
Research indicates that most brides spend 90 %of their time on dcor. Since they spend all this time making their wedding look good, why not make them feel awesome by how their whole reception or their church set up looks! Whether it’s a creative table arrangement or just a well arranged bouquet, its these little things that go a long way to make the brides day feel worthwhile.

6. Whatever is in your heart!
Everything is meaningful when it comes from the heart. It might not be just about the wedding but find out how to make the bride smile. Their wedding day is all about celebrating the love they share with each other and the significant people in their lives hence thats the perfect chance of showing how much they mean to you!
There are many debates on whether its important for married women to change their names to their husbands. Despite the fact that one is not bound by law to do so, we have compiled 5 important reasons why you should consider doing so:
1. It shows your commitment.
Changing you last name is an act of love, submission as well as a sign that you are fully committed to the union. Psychologists argue that a name change means a lot to me and boosts their ego.
2. It bond you together
If you are fond of spirituality, theres a traditional Chinese culture known as feng shui, which purports that joining names declares to the universe that you and your spouse are a complete unit. Together is a powerful energy, which solidifies the bond in marriage.
3. Its more convenient and easier for you with kids.
This works in case you are planning to have children in future. It brings clarity and assists in bringing the family together.
4. To help you feel like you fit in.
In the African culture, the change of name gives a woman a sense of belonging not just in her husband life but also with his entire clan. Shows that she now belongs to the new family and is ready to learn its ways.

5. People will know youre truly off the market.
Theres no better way to tell the world that you are taken than changing your name! Especially, all stalkers on social media, old boyfriends, workmates and business associates who may need to know this fact.
6. The only way to change that name that you hate!
In case, you hate your last name or its too hard to pronounce, it might be a nice change of pace to have a change, dont you think so?
7. Its a prestigious surname.
Change of name brings prestige and honor especially if your spouse comes from a powerful family.
Changing your maiden name to your husband’s name after saying I do is a dainty task that few women embrace with the enthusiasm. However, once you are done, it will be such an amazing feeling to have all your cards and vital documents in your new name. To save you all the trouble, we’ve come up with what you require to make this seemingly hard process be as easy as ABC.

1. Changing your ID name
According to Lawyer Nelson Osiemo, the process of changing your maiden name to your husband’s surname in your ID is pretty simple. Just head over to the chief’s office or at Huduma center with:
• Your husband’s ID
• Your ID
• Certified copy of your marriage certificate
• A certified copy of your Birth Certificate
After completing the entire process, wait for a week for your new ID.
2. Get a New Passport and Travel Documents
For the passport, one has to begin the application again and pay the fee for a new passport depending on the number of pages. If you have booked a ticket for your honeymoon, ensure you use your maiden name unless you are traveling out of the country and have already change your name on your passport. At the Immigration office, you may require:
• Completed passport application forms (Form 19)
• A certified copy of your marriage license.
• Your current passport.
• A recent color photograph that meets the requirement of the passport.
• An affidavit
NB: Honeymooning out of the country definitely requires your passport, which must match your tickets. In case you have a new passport by this time; ensure that you book your ticket under the new name. If you won’t have changed your name, ensure that your ticket is booked with your maiden’s name.
5. Change the Name on Your Bank Accounts
As soon as your ID had been updated with your new name, head over to your local bank branch and update the info on your bank accounts. If you’re going in person, bring the following documents with you:
• A certified copy of your marriage license.
• Your national ID
Don’t forget to request a new set of cards and new checkbooks.
All Things Bride and Beautiful