It’s wedding fair season! Samanthas bridal is happy to report that the 2016 wedding fair is now fully sold out. We would like to take this opportunity to well come all the exhibitors on board. With over 30 thousand weddings a year in Kenya alone, the bridal industry is big business.
Do you think your proposal was unique, was it romantic, funny, clever or a complete disaster?
Don’t hesitate to share with us your story, let your valentine’s day count, you might be the days lucky couple.Send your stories to or
Tweet us @Samanthasbridal or Instagram @Samanthas_bridal your proposal photo using #Samanthasbridallovestories, the clock is ticking!!
Top 5 Photography Tips on your wedding day
Every bride looks forward to a perfect wedding day.It takes a lot of planning ,financial resources and putting ideas into place for the day to be perfect.All this could be lost and left as a shadow in the memory of only those that attended, if there are no photos to keep bringing to life that special day.It is therefore important to ensure this day remains special in memory and in picture, I mean lets face it, a great part of the wedding is about how the bride looks, and decor and the presentations.
Here are a few tips to ensure the day remains fresh on print as it is in memory.
- Ensure that you get a professional photographer .Is there a difference? After all its just putting a picture in frame and clicking! Trust me there is a major difference and you do not want to notice the difference after the wedding.
- Brief your photographer on what is most important to you.Wedding are very personal and everybody has their unique taste and preference. Do not assume that because he is pro he knows what you like .Its your big day don’t take any chances.
- Enjoy the day.As the main subject of the day it is you that the lenses are focused on.Be at ease, be yourself, the more you enjoy the more the snaps and you will be amazed how good you look when you are happy.You are beautiful on the inside and all the camera will do is capture the evidence on the outside.
- You have spent a lot of time and resource to make the day happen.happen. Don’t starve the photographer time wise.Liaise with him as you plan the day so that he has enough time to do what he or she needs to. Many people rush the photo session as though its not important.Remember after its all said and done its only the photos that remain to keep for years.
- Rapport with your photographer should not be taken for granted. If you are comfortable with him or her chances are you will get more natural shots as with time you forget the sometimes scary glare of the cameras.
To tip:
Perfect your posture and smile.Having good posture can actually make you appear slimmer in photos you just have to know which posture will work best for your figure.Most women can flatter their silhouette by pushing their shoulders back and leaning back slightly on one foot.Always stand up straight and make sure you don’t slouch, and whenever possible, choose standing over sitting in photos. When sitting, remember to cross your legs at the ankles in a ladylike pose that flatters calves and thighs.Lift your chin upwards to elongate your neck, and remember to breathe as your photographer snaps away! In the days leading up to the wedding, don’t feel embarrassed if you want to practice smiling and posing in a mirror by yourself.Lock the bathroom door for privacy, relax, and see what feels and looks most natural on you.
Crown Princess
When a bride walks down the aisle, her veil held in place by a sparkling coronet, she almost certainly never stops to think about the history of her headdress. Tiaras are also known as diadems and can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where they were used to decorate the heads of royal mummies. In the ancient East, some ancient diadems were extremely ornate and heavy, but by the late Roman period supreme power was often denoted in the simplest way – by a band of cloth worn round the head and tied in a knot behind. Emperor Diocletian’s diadem in the third century AD was only a white cloth set with pearls. In Greece, goldsmiths created tiaras to adorn the heads of statues of their gods and a little later in history, their priests. The Greeks also awarded tiaras to contest champions, and highly ranked individuals wore them during social functions and special occasions.
Look to the stars and catwalk for inspiration on your big day hair do.Add some bling to your finished up or down do and transform it everyday to dazzling, particularly if you have opted not to wear a veil.
Inspired by ancient Rome and Greece, the Napoleonic court was filled with women wearing tiara specially designed to harmonise with the Napoleonic ideals: simple symmetrical shapes featuring laurel and olive leaves and often enamelled in the red white and blue of the First Empire. After his defeat, the restored Bourbon monarchy encouraged the display of extravagant jewels and tiaras become more opulent and jewelled. This was also when tiaras became associated with weddings.Your hair is an accessory? sure it is! The right hairstyle on your wedding day shed pounds off your look, making you glow and appear slimmer.Since there are many options out there , do your research to see what will fit your shape.If your face is round, its best to create volume at the crown, elongating your face and making it look slimmer.

If you are wearing a strapless gown with a beautiful neckline, you may want to wear your hair up to show off that part of your dress! And if the dress has no accessory then you can add a tiara to complement the dress.You are not a woman with a tiara on your head: You are a princess who has just escaped from a tower to marry her prince charming!
You can also wear headpieces to add a little bling to your hair do.Try a sparkly brooch, silk flower or crystal hair comb with matching earrings to accentuate your hairstyle.Try your tiara or head dress you intend to have for the day, when your hair is in the style you intend to have it at the wedding. A trial run will point out any bumpy, wispy or just plain ugly hair horrors in good time to put them right. No bride wants to walk up the aisle wearing forty hairpins! If you’re wearing pearls, choose a pearl studded tiara. If your dress has gold thread, pick a golden tiara. If you’ve chosen a rose embroidered veil, find a tiara with rose detailing. These small details add to the coherence of the overall theme and make you look as if you’ve been dressed by a top designer, especially if you extend this planning through to your accessories: flowers, bag, gloves, etc. Above all, think about how you want to look when you walk down the aisle. You’re not a woman with a tiara on your head: you’re a princess who has just escaped from her tower to marry her prince charming. When the headdress is right, the look will be right. Keep in mind that tiaras are not just for the bride – they can look wonderful on bridesmaids too.
During the 1840s, the young Queen Victoria led England into a time of prosperity and wealth. Her wedding was the fashion event of the decade. It’s hard to imagine that now, isn’t it? Dumpy Victoria, with her face like the dog on the Churchill adverts, as a fashion icon? But she was. As a young woman she was both a trendsetter and a rebel – she was the first monarch to wear a white wedding dress, instead of a preposterously overblown article with ermine, velvet, medals and sashes. She also wore a really rather nice tiara: quite tall, to add height to her diminutive frame, and very slightly raked back to keep her hair well away from her face. And until the 1930s, that tiara was a feature stolen by thousands of copycat brides.Her bridal tiara was not the end of the matter for Victoria though; Prince Albert, her husband, commissioned at least half a dozen tiaras during his life time, so we can assume that Victoria was very aware of how well this particular headgear flattered her face.
During the first decade of the 20th century, more tiaras were worn than ever before. For the crowning of King Edward II in 1902 and Kind George V in 1911, new royal tiaras were made. Paris, always a centre of fashion, had special “tiara nights” at the Opera, women showed off many unique tiara designs, and opera glasses were turned to the boxes rather than the stage, as the haute monde (posh types, to you and me) surveyed each other to see who had won the ‘best tiara’ battle.
How to Choose a Tiara
Choose your headdress according to your face shape. A tiara, with or without veil, should draw attention to your face by framing it, not draw attention away from it, or make you look unbalanced. Here are some of the basic rules:
Round face:
To make your face appear longer, choose a tiara with some height or one that has a peak – think of Queen Victoria’s pointed tiara
Long face:
Headbands or tiaras with little or no height that extend over your head from one side to the other at an even height will balance a long face. Consider a veil with a bow at the top or flowers in your hair to add width
Oval face:
Lucky brides with oval faces have a lot of choice, but avoid tiaras that come to a peak if you have a straight hairstyle, the combination of height and length will make your face appear long. Wearing a headband, or attaching flowers to you veil will combat this effect
LK Bridal
Telephone: 0724142491
Location: UPCK Mission House (after Deloitte Head office), 00800 Musa Gitau Road, off Waiyaki Way
WINE Etiquette
Gone are the old, but simple wine pairing rules of red wine with red meat and white wine with fish and poultry. Today’s complexity of multi-ethnic and subtly flavored foods, in addition to a wide variety of wines from around the world that is easily available, are giving way to new wine-food paring tips and suggestions. These have become the hard and first rules. It now allows for considerable room to experiment and express your wedding personality; from pure adventure, to a celebratory and triumphatic mood and anything between this. Soraiya Meghji of The Wine Shop Kenya offers some guidelines on wine and food paring and the basic etiquette to go with it.
Given that there will be quite a variety of both a large variety of servings to choose from and most probably all prepared with different themes, you can start by considering the season and weather forecast; drinking habits take an interesting pattern in tandem with weather patterns. For instance, during the cold and chilly days, people tend to drink more red wine; consider a mix of about 50% of red wine for a cold season or cold destination wedding. On the other hand, guests on a hot day will tend to drink more white wine; consider a mix of 30% each of all three styles of wine. You might also think about serving rosé, especially if you’re serving fish or seafood.
Another factor that will guide you is the venue of your party; people will tend to drink more red wine in an indoor wedding than while celebrating vows out in the sun; for outdoor weddings consider a higher percentage of white wine.
Always remember to get a sparkling wine for your toast but the rest of the wine is up to you based on food items, theme, budget and personal preference. Consider the following:
• Who’s attending (non-drinkers, young people, older relatives)
• If you’re serving rich meats for dinner consider a full bodied red wine ,
• If you’re serving fish as the main, consider selecting a rose or a crisp sauvignon blanc.
• Think about the time of year and time of day and the theme (black tie, casual, tropical)
Red wine is a classic crowd favorite and will be about 50-60% of a wedding wine purchase. It’s one of the wines where if you find you have a lot left over, then you can just store it and enjoy it after the wedding. Choosing the perfect ‘crowd pleaser’ red wine is actually a lot of fun.
Champagne Popping
As important as the Champagne toast is, most folks won’t drink more than a half-glass of sparkling wine. So unless your wedding attendees are all bonafide Champagne hounds, you don’t have to buy that much. You just need enough to fill glasses to half way; about 1 bottle per 8-10 people.
If the toast happens during the day or outside, consider getting aromatic sparklers such as Prosecco, Cava, or sparkling Rosé.
• If the toast is happening at night or inside, look towards richer styled sparkling wines such or classic French Champagne.
• The best man usually makes the toast and can trained to correctly open the champagne, the pop sound is considered a novelty and a sign of class with champagne.
• Couples should raise their glasses and lightly clink their glasses in a polite toast to their future. Avoid pulling comical stunts which could result in embarrassing incidents. Its good to practice before your wedding day.
Toast etiquette: Who should call out the first toast at the wedding reception and to who?
Making A Memorable Toast
A Champagne toast is a public gesture to appreciate something, but it does more than just that: it unites a group of people. A toast can be so appealing that everyone attending will feel good. How do you do it? You’ll need enough sparkling wine and some inspiring themes for what to say that will bring everyone together.
The secret to toasting is to remember that everyone wants to be appreciated. When thinking about what to say, choose a theme that ties everyone together.
• Family: toast to good happiness and health
• Friends: toast to enduring togetherness • Work party: toast to appreciation and thanks
• Wine People: toast to the next bottle!
• Wedding: a toast to the future that holds
Reception Ideas
Bountiful love and hope for the happy couple.
So how much wine should you purchase for your guests? Let’s say the wedding will have 100 guests. If you divide the number of guests by 2.15 you should expect to get about 46 bottles of wine for the event. Make sure when you order to round up by the case. This should make a good basic ratio of wine is to guests regardless of the numbers.
If you’re looking into buying your own wedding wines, then you’ve already taken the smartest step forward by caring enough to find out more.Wine is a highlight to a wedding, so it’s a great idea to find one that’s right for you. Keep your budget in mind as well, just how much liquid wine do you need at the party; you can then figure out what fraction of the budget will go into this fair merry making!
Most of My Fiance’s Friends are Women
You are about to marry the man of your dreams but what about all those female friends your fiancé has been hanging out with for years? He swears he does not fancy them but how do you really feel about them?
If you took a lie detector test about how you really feel about your man’s female friends, or if you were to put your hand on your heart, look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself, chances are you wouldn’t be able to say the sweet things without the sirens going off!
Even if you claim to be an open-minded and liberal woman of the twenty-first century, one’s fiancé having opposite sex friends can prove to be a real problem for many women. For Susan Ruto, 26, who married Raymond, 34, two years ago, the problem is still very real even after tying the knot. “My husband has always liked female company. He comes from a large family of seven sisters and he is the youngest child and only son, so he has always had a lot of female attention. Before we got married Raymond used to go out with his female friends and it did not bother me much. We did not live together then, so I did not really know how much he would see of them or how lengthy the phone calls were. But now that we do I cannot stand it. It is in my face all the time,” says Susan. “I assumed that after our marriage he would not be in touch with them so much. To be truthful, I’d hoped I’d be the only woman in his life; I’m not and I can not help feeling hurt that nothing has changed.”
One thing I know for sure is that it is very difficult to know all your fiancé’s friends We make friends everyday – sometimes we start a conversation with a complete stranger because of being part of an incident or accident. Some friendships’ are based on a common link and nothing else (business acquaintances). Since you do not talk about them you assume that there is no need to introduce them to your fiancée, these friendships maybe very shallow and or of a specific nature and purpose and may have no consequence they may grow or die. Regardless of the association, there is always a comment like “I didn’t realize you know so-and-so or “where did you meet?” and thereafter its up to you on how the story continues to unfold.
It is important to always be open and honest with your partner about opposite sex friendships. Put it the other way, how would you feel if you found out that your Partner has ‘secret male/female friends’ or ‘Private friends’? Fishy?
Would you not be suspicious? You would ask many questions like “why are you hiding them from me and for how long have you been hiding them and why are many of these private friends opposite sex”?
It is important to always be open and honest with your partner about opposite sex friendships
There are no secrets in marriage. It is therefore important that married people keep some of the same friends that they had before the relationship but there is no reason for those friends to be ‘secret’ or ‘private’.
The only reason why anybody would want to keep a ‘friend’ of any sort away from a spouse is that we know that the relationship with that person is not quite what it should be and we do not want to get caught. If you have opposite-sex friendships from work places, it is up to both of you to make sure that it is understood that these friends are just that – friends – this is of course assuming that these friends are strictly platonic.
I believe that friendships should be discussed before you and your fiancée come together as one in marriage. A marriage is about two people and one or both of you thinking that you could run those alternative ‘private’ relationships along side is a break-up waiting to happen. I also feel that you would be sending out a strange message to these friends that your friendship is your little secret and your fiancée is not allowed to be part of it.
Take it from me; there should be nothing private in marriage. If you still want your privacy, please stay single. If you have friends that you see and chat with regularly that your fiancée does not know about but you are certain that she can join in anytime that you are meeting these friends or she can read any correspondence between you and them (emails, voice and text messages and so on) and not feel offended, this is a good start, keep it up!
Then, there are those life-long platonic friendships, which you have had for a good part of your life, good friends who not only know all your strengths and weaknesses so well but also know how to maneuver and take advantage of you anytime! Friends who believe that they were there first and will always be. It is important that for your fiancé’s sake you be completely honest at all times and always try to include her/him in the plans you make with these friends.
Yes, you may say they are a part of your life and nothing or nobody should break that bond, not even your fiancée BUT when most of these friends are of the opposite sex, watch out, they could threaten your marriage. Now, guys, I know there are many of you thinking, “Look, I’ve had an opposite-sex friendship at work with Angela for years. Nothing has ever happened, and nothing ever will. It’ll never become inappropriate.” – Well let me remind you, you are now crossing from the land of the ‘single and loving it’, to the land of the (want to be) ‘Married and Settled’!
According to Julia Cole, author of “Loving Yourself, Loving Another,” being territorial about your man is a primitive instinct and one which women succumb to subconsciously. Julia says, “In prehistoric times women formed bonds with men so they’d provide for her and her child. The fear that your man is enjoying another woman’s company is all it takes to bring out that competitive streak and cause jealousy.” Even though millions of years later we have evolved into sophisticated creatures, our green-eyed monster is as primitive as ever.
For some men, it is not hard to have lady friends, especially if you are dealing with ladies or issues linked to them in your profession and you are social, attractive and popular among them. Since you may not be able to know all these friends, he may not find it necessary to tell you whom he met or will be meeting for lunch or for a drink. I believe that an unaccountable man is an accident waiting to happen.
So ladies, if the guy has been honest with you, try to accept that his female friends are here to stay, no matter how hard you try and plant seeds of doubt about their characters into your partner’s head. If you try to manipulate how he feels by making up stories about what they had supposedly done and how he shouldn’t trust them to try and stop him from having anything to do with them. He’ll see straight through you and think you’re being bitchy and possessive. If these are genuine friendships it will not be long before he confronts and all your lies will come flooding into the open and you end up looking really bad, childish and selfish and not to be trusted. Remember that it’s you that he’s chosen to be with for the rest of his life.
Friendships enrich our lives, be they of the same sex, age, race or religion. Feeling insecure about an opposite sex friendship in a relationship is usually a sign that you are afraid that the person is going to lure your partner away, maybe it has happened in the past and you now have an issue of trust. However, your relationship should be strong enough for you not to have to live in retreat for it to survive! If you were blind you wouldn’t have an issue with your partner socialising with other blind people to get a better understanding of your situation. The same should be true of gender.
But if you have given him the benefit of doubt but you still feel uncomfortable, well, my advice to you is that you should defiantly keep a close eye on this situation. For what it is worth, at least be sure of the nature of these friendships before you make the big commitment. If possible, have him introduce you to them (have a small drinks party and ask him to invite them over). If your fiancé is ok with this – that’s a good start but if he is openly heated – try to find out while talking to him (don’t hide your feelings though) why he is heated up about your meeting them.
• Do you have friends that you sometimes meet without telling your fiancée because you have a hunch she/he would be unhappy or your friends would feel awkward?
• Are you always deceiving or misleading your fiancée on matters concerning these friendships?
• Do you confide in them with things you have not told your spouse?
• Do you have friends of the opposite-sex you have a sexual chemistry with – you don’t even have to touch the warmth is there?
• Do you behave differently with (flirt) and say things to them that you would ordinarily not say if your fiancée were present?
• Do you sometimes share important news with these friends before your spouse?
If yes, what should you do?
• Either break those friendships or tell your fiancée the whole truth about these relationships before you get married. When you do not tell them, more often than not, it is for a reason – You do not want to upset your partner (thus you know, in fact, that there is something to get upset about).
• Try and understand how your fiancée sees it. How would you feel about your fiancé having the same quality of opposite-sex friendships?
• Have proper boundaries laid out to disable these platonic friendships from developing into romantic love.
Proper boundaries should always exist outside the marriage relationship and never inside. One-way to be accountable to your life-long partner is to always be open with them from the very beginning. Talk about work friendships, these pose no danger. If possible begin to take your fiancée to outings with these friends. When you observe proper boundaries, your marriage will be secure. Marriage works best when both of you can enter into every corner of each other’s lives. By maintaining openness on the inside and boundaries on the outside you will not only be protecting your marriage from harm on the outside but nurturing a healthy and happy marriage on the inside.
Boundaries should include:
Not sharing anything personal or private about yourself or your fiancé with these friends some topics should be kept exclusively for your fiancé. These days we go for lunch or other functions with friends of the opposite sex or we spend a lot of our work time with them that by the time you meet your fiancée, you have already shared your heart with everybody else. You have noting that you need to share with your fiancé anymore. Save those kinds of intimacies and those things that are exciting in your life to be able to share them with that one special partner.
Married couple friendships:
These can actually provide great encouragement and accountability in your marriage. A marriage is strengthened when you have other strong, supportive married couples in your lives. The most important friendships should be friends of your marriage too.
Protecting your marriage through discretion in your clothing and conduct:
Should you continue meeting these friends prior to or after that firm commitment to your life-long partner, what you wear during these occasions is very important. Ladies remember that men become easily aroused sexually by the stimulation of sight. Never assume that having a good marriage shelters anybody from temptation. We are all vulnerable to temptation if we do not stay on the alert.
Protecting your marriage by spending time together:
Have your emotional needs met within your marriage. That means sticking to the plan of spending time alone together as often as possible. Unless we purposefully protect that time, all of life’s urgent needs or confiding in your other friends will slowly eat away the foundation of your marriage.
Protecting your marriage through accountability:
Accountability may be the key issue that makes or breaks our faithfulness to a partner – take up the challenge. Once you have honestly opened up to each other about your friendships, do not be jealous, work at building trust. Anytime you feel
Not sharing anything personal or private about yourself or your fiancé with these friends some topics should be kept exclusively for your fiancé.
there is something you need to know do not accuse of criticize, just ask and give your partner the opportunity to answer, just listen, do not interrupt or finish their sentences. Share things that are important for your partner to know, so that it is clearly seen that nothing is being hidden. If you are still not happy about certain friendships even after opening up to each other then think twice about them. Your marriage is your 1st priority; remember your marriage vows ‘forsaking all others, keeping you only unto me for as long as we both shall live’ Before signing any contract, one is given time to go through the contents for approval – maybe you should ask whoever will be presiding over your marriage ceremony to give you an advance copy of the vows for your approval.
Finally, no matter what kind of friendships you have, they should always help strengthen your marriage. When a married couple observes openness and proper boundaries, their other friendships pose no danger to their marriage, in fact their marriage become secure and comforting.
The wise woman will purposefully build walls around her marriage ahead of time to help close the door on opportunities for temptation. (That also goes for the wise man)
– Judy Starr ‘The Enticement of the Forbidden’ –
Being totally open about friendships with the opposite sex is the only way to completely allay any fears either of you may have about the friendships.
If it all gets too much for one of you, if you feel maybe that one of his friends has crossed the boundaries of acceptability with her flirting, discuss it calmly and openly with your partner to clear the air. Whilst a degree of flirting is healthy fun, it isn’t any fun for you if you worry yourself sick over imaginary consequences. Your fiancé loves you and when he realises you’ve been quietly putting up with something that really upsets you, he’ll want to put things right. Just remember, be calm, be cool and that the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with is you!
Beautify yourself with this top tips and quick fixes
1. If you feel hungry drink two large glasses of water. Dehydration can be mistaken for hunger, meaning we reach for snacks when they are not needed.
2. Exercise sensibly. Hormones and lack of sleep and even the weather can affect your stamina levels. For total all over body toning, nothing beats swimming for getting impressive results fast.
3. No one knows when an odd blemish will rear its ugly head. You can safeguard your skin against spots by cleaning your phone regularly with antiseptic wipes. Bacteria on you hand set can be common cause of breakouts around your mouth so it’s worth taking this precaution just before your wedding.
4. Get into the habit of applying sunscreen with a good SPF every morning. Sun aging will leave your skin dehydrated, which contributes, to winkles and fine lines.
5. Feed your nails properly. Nutrition has a huge impact on circulation that carries nutrients of a healthy balanced diet to your figure tips. O encourage the maximum strength and growth, you should ensure your diet contains plenty of fruit and vegetables, iron, zinc and vitamin A. Good sources include cod-liver oil, liver, eggs, carrots, spinach and
6. Be mindful of hidden sugars in the so-called healthy food. Grapes and mangoes can be just as calorific as a bar of chocolate if you over indulge. So choose delicious low sugar fruits instead such as apples, pawpaw,
7. Never squizze a spot no matter how tempting. Cool the area with an ice cube wrapped in a two-ply tissue and holds it over the area for two minutes. Repeat every hour until the swelling goes down. The ice helps to restrict the blood supply meaning the spot is visibly diminished and healing time halved.
8. Cutting dairy products and sugar from your diet will instantly help improve any superficial skin Dairy produce clogs your digestive system allowing bad bacteria multiply while sugar allows inflammation and infections in the skin to thrive- both have an impact on the complexion of your skin.
9. Perfect you bed time regime to get the best night sleep possible. Sleep deprivation will leave you looking and feeling exhausted. Start by making sure the room is cool. Over heating is one of the common causes of disturbed night.
10. Last but not least base your wedding regime on the RENEWAL approach. Rest,
Energy, Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Aspiration and Lifestyle all are vital when it comes to looking and feeling great
Vintage Weddings & Events
Vintage weddings and events is driven by a team of passionate professionals that offer private and corporate events logistic support, production of promotional materials and advertisement through the vintage cars. We specialize in conceptualizing and delivery of vintage themed events that are designed to leave a lasting impression to our audience. Each and every event is customized towards our client’s expectations and we always work towards delivering “wowness” through our hands on approach. Our services are designed in a flexible manner to meet the needs of different clients who may require back to back or partial logistics support.Chairs
Different types of chairs are used for different occasions. We offer a variety of of chairs that bring out the best in any event.
• Plastic Chairs
• Banquet chairs
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• Cocktail stools
• Lounge stools
• Lounge seatsTransport
Weddings are now adopting vintage themes that are tailor-made to very unique and memorable weddings. We offer a variety of Vintage & classic cars that are well maintained and in good condition. They come in different colors and shapes and can also be decorated to suit different themes.
Event Logistics support provided include;
Different types of tents for both private and corporate events which come in different shapes and sizes and thus give our clients an opportunity to hire a tent that fits the occasion.
• Marque Tent
• Semi dome tent
• Large tent (17*34)
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• Buffet Tent (4.5*4.5)
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• ParasolsDecoration
• Floral arrangement
• Lighting
• Balloon art
• DrappingTables
• Round tables
• Cocktail tables
• Buffet tables
Promotional & branded materials
We offer foil printing services to walk in customers and long term clients who require promotional materials. Our services are delivered as per the brief received from our clients.
We print:
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• AwardsAdvertising
The vintage & classic cars offer the corporate world an opportunity to design creative adverts that deliver the right message in a simplified manner. Our cars can be used for;
• Product launches
• Television commercials
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Wedding Venue
Dinham Resort is a garden venue and convention centre set in the plush country side of Tigoni, Limuru. This exclusive location boasts scenic views within a serene environment.
At Dinham Resort we strive to meet your unique requirements and endeavor to make any function held with us an unforgettable memory. The services we offer accommodate garden style weddings, reception parties, evening parties, photo and video shoots, as well as team building activities.
Dinham Resort Garden’s area consists of three gardens. This enables you to have all your wedding activities in one location.
The gardens are:-
The Nest which is the main garden where the wedding reception is held
Tausi garden hosts the church ceremony and photo shoots
Waridi garden hosts the catering services provided solely by Dinham Resort Garden
The Nest can hold up to 600 people for a garden wedding. The manicured lawns set an ideal stage for an unforgettable experience with water ways and art work to accent your experience at Dinham.
Our facilities include:-
- Permanent gazebo which can be utilized for small functions of a party of less than 35 guests. The gazebo can also double up as a high table for the wedding party.
- Serviced lavatories which eliminate the cost of hiring mobile lavatories
- Fully equipped kitchen to accommodate catering for up to 600 guests.
- Secure, ample parking
- Exclusive access for the wedding party prior to walking down the aisle.
- Furniture and tents available including elegant chiavari chairs.
Dinham Resort Garden
Contact; 0712248852
Joyce Weds Bishop Mark
After loosing his first wife pastor Joyce six years ago, renowned televangelist Bishop Mark Kubai Kariuki got a second chance at love fell in love with, Joyce Wacera a head usher at the House of Bread church that was founded by Bishop Mark. Bishop’s marriage to Joyce was a prophecy made by Bishops friend who is also a pastor form the United States. Joyce was very anxious when she received the news and had to do a lot of praying and fasting as she prepared to take up her new role.
Bishop Mark and his best man and long time friend Bishop Masinde wore black suits, lilac shirts and royal violet ties. Joyce got her gown from one of the bridal shops in town. She chose a glass encrusted mermaid bustier gown, white in color. She added a bolero to cover her shoulders. The couple had two sets of bridal parties, Bishops children together with their spouses who stayed with the Bishop and Joyce’s sisters and friends who were with her. Bishops two sons and son in law wore grey suits and purple and white stripped ties, his daughter and daughters in-law had eggplant purple long flowing dresses with baby yellow fascinators to complete the look.
Both the church ceremony and the reception took place at the Kasarani Gymnasium. There was some worry about how the décor would be done due to the imposing size of the gymnasium but the décor lady Claris of Chique Events used her expertise and set up a lounge area at a stage where the bridal party and VIPs sat. She incorporated lighting, and drapery matching the theme colors to drape the entrance and inside the arena. The décor lady also opted to use glass pillars for the flower garlands as opposed to the usual flower stands as the glass reflected the light, enhancing the brightness of the venue. In terms of transport the Bishop, his best man and his children rode in range rovers escorted by a convoy of other range rovers and security detail. Joyce on the other hand rode in a stretched Chrysler limousine from Royal Hometown.
Being an internationally acclaimed Bishop, there was no way he would leave his congregants out of this important day. There were two sets of guests, the VVIPS who were about 300, included fellow bishops from different churches and other close friends and family. The rest of the guests more than 5,000 comprised of congregants, various pastors and leaders in the Deliverance church. The couple had to hire five professional caterers to feed this large multitude of people.
The couple had a religious ceremony and stuck to the traditional vows. The officiating pastor was Bishop William Tumising who also officiated Bishop Mark’s wedding 20 years ago to his first
wife Joyce. Bishop JB Masinde and his wife were the best couple in Bishop Mark’s first wedding, and were once again standing as the main witnesses on his second wedding.
Photography: Versatile Photographers
Videography: G Media
Décor: Chique Events
Transport: Royal Hometown Limousine