A Dance down the Aisle

Well, the walk down the aisle is the most important moment for all brides. This is the time when everything comes to a halt, when all your guests get on their feet and all eyes are instantly fixated on you, Therefore, how you chose to make your grand entrance should be what makes you comfortable and at the same time, what will be memorable.


As seen on My Dream Wedding, Felicia chose to dance down the aisle, all the way to her waiting groom. If you choose to dance down the aisle, select your song early in advance. Consider having a choreographer to teach you a proper dance to own your way down the aisle or if you feel your moves are good enough, you can take time to plan and rehearse the dance for your big day.

Whether you chose to dance down the aisle to funky pop music or slow music, make it the best that it can possibly be.

A dance down the aisle will do away with any build up anxiety and guarantee you and your guests a good time.



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